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2018 online multiplayer video game

2018 video game

Among United states of america
Cartoon astronauts in colored spacesuits floating through space. A bright light and many stars are visible behind them. In front of them are the words "Among Us", with the "A" replaced by an astronaut.

Cover art

Programmer(south) Innersloth
Publisher(s) Innersloth
  • Kristi Anderson Edit this on Wikidata
Designer(s) Marcus Bromander[a]
Developer(s) Wood Willard[b]
  • Marcus Bromander[a]
  • Amy Liu
Composer(south) Marcus Bromander
Engine Unity
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Nintendo Switch
  • PlayStation 4
  • PlayStation five
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series 10/Southward
  • Android, iOS
  • June 15, 2018
  • Microsoft Windows
  • November 16, 2018[i]
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Dec 15, 2020[2]
  • PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
  • Dec 14, 2021[3]
  • Party
  • social deduction
Mode(due south) Multiplayer

Amid U.s.a. [c] is a 2018 online multiplayer social deduction game adult and published by American game studio Innersloth. The game was inspired by the party game Mafia and the science fiction horror film The Thing. The game allows for cross-platform play, showtime beingness released on iOS and Android devices in June 2018 and on Windows later that yr in November. The game was then ported to the Nintendo Switch in Dec 2020, and on the PlayStation four, PlayStation 5, Xbox 1 and Xbox Serial 10/Southward in December 2021. While the game was initially released in 2018 to footling mainstream attention, it received a massive influx of popularity in 2020 due to many well-known Twitch streamers and YouTubers playing it. A divide VR version of the game, Amidst Us VR, will be released for Quest ii, SteamVR, and PlayStation VR, developed by Schell Games.

Among Us takes place in a space-themed setting where players wait like colorful armless cartoon astronauts; however, since the release of "The Skeld" spaceship, three other maps take been added in after years: the skyscraper "MIRA HQ", the "Polus" planetary station, and "The Balloon" (based on Infiltrating the Airship from the Henry Stickmin series, also developed by Innersloth). Each player takes on one of ii roles—most are Crewmates, but a small number play Impostors—which does not alter their advent.[d] The goal of the Crewmates is to either identify and vote out the Impostors, or to consummate all the tasks around the map; the goal of the Impostors is to covertly sabotage the mission either past killing the Crewmates before they consummate all their tasks or by triggering a disaster that is not resolved in time.


A white-suited astronaut named "Buddy" (the player) stands in front of an unnamed blue-suited corpse. The room they are in is labeled "Admin". In the hallway, slightly obscured by the sight line mechanic, is a pink-suited astronaut named "Chum". In the upper-left corner of the player's screen, there is a fake list of tasks as well as the player's goal: to kill all Crewmates. The player also has the option to Use, Report, Sabotage, and Kill. As the player has just killed, the button is on cooldown and faded.

In this gameplay screenshot of the original map, The Skeld, the white Impostor has simply killed the blue Crewmate in the centrally located Admin room. Considering of the vision mechanic for Among Us, the pink player is partially obscured in the white role player's field of vision. Any player can report the dead body and trigger a meeting.

Among United states is a multiplayer game for four to fifteen players (previously four to ten players), although recommended for at least five.[eleven] Up to three players are randomly[12] and secretly chosen to be the Impostor(s) each round. As of 2021, a round tin take place on ane of four maps: a spaceship called "The Skeld"; a headquarters building called "MIRA HQ"; a planet base called "Polus";[13] or an airship based on Innersloth's Henry Stickmin series chosen "The Airship".[14] [15]

The Impostor(s) win(due south) 1 of two ways: either by killing most of the crew (to the signal that they're equal in number) or by sabotaging a critical system on the map (provided the Crewmates don't resolve it in time). The Crewmates besides can win i of two ways: either past completing all tasks or by identifying and ejecting all Impostors.[13] Games can likewise end by players quitting the match if doing so fulfills any win condition (if a Crewmate quits the game, their tasks are automatically considered completed).[16] [17] [18]

At the kickoff of the game, Crewmates are assigned "tasks" to complete around the map (in the class of minigames, minipuzzles, and simple toggles), generally consisting of maintenance work on vital systems such as fixing wires and downloading data.[xix] Impostors are given a fake listing of suggested tasks to alloy in with Crewmates. Yet, they cannot legitimately perform tasks and tin can only pretend to be doing any of the tasks on the transport. Impostors, yet, can sabotage vital systems (such as The Skeld's oxygen supply), close the doors to rooms, rapidly and covertly travel through the ventilation system (commonly referred to as "venting"), and kill Crewmates when standing nigh them. To help the Crewmates identify Impostors, there are diverse surveillance systems on each map, such every bit security cameras and an admin system on The Skeld,[20] a doorlog system with sensors in MIRA HQ,[21] and a vitals indicator in Polus.[13] Crewmates may also confirm their identity through "visual tasks" (tasks that have animations which play for other players), which cannot be faked by Impostors.[22]

If a Crewmate is killed or any player is voted out and ejected, they become a ghost. Ghosts can laissez passer through walls, watch other players' activities, and encounter and chat with other ghosts.[18] Living players have a express cone of vision;[23] ghosts do not.[24] Moreover, ghosts cannot communicate with living players or be seen by them. Ghosts help their living teammates by completing their tasks (as a Crewmate) or performing diverse acts of sabotage (as an Impostor).[13]

Any living player may call a grouping meeting by reporting a dead body, or by pressing the Emergency Meeting button on the map at any fourth dimension (except during major sabotages, when Emergency Meetings cannot exist chosen, but dead bodies tin nevertheless be reported).[18] [25] [26] During a coming together, players hash out who they believe is an Impostor based on the available evidence. Impostors tin can be identified beyond all reasonable doubt if they are seen venting or killing. A player may be suspected for many other reasons though. However, all the players form a sort of jury and must weigh the veracity or value of each other's statements and questions during the meeting. A plurality vote is held, and if a plurality is obtained, the player whom the most crewmates voted is ejected from the map and they become a ghost, unless the majority of the crewmates choose to skip vote or there is a tie vote.[19] [18] Players can communicate in a built-in text chat (with some predefined phrases for phone users),[19] merely only during meetings, and but if they are live (though ghosts can speak with 1 some other at any fourth dimension).[thirteen] [18] [23] While the game does not have a born voice chat system, it is common for players to use external programs such as Discord,[27] [28] [29] or to converse regularly if they are in shut physical proximity to one another. In case players can hear each other's voices, the game reminds them to not speak except during meetings.

In Nov 2021, additional roles were made available to players extending beyond the standard Crewmate or Impostor roles. Crewmates can also be Engineers, Scientists, or Guardian Angels. Engineers permit Crewmates to travel through vents like Impostors can, albeit to a limited chapters. Scientists tin can check vitals at any fourth dimension to see if any role player has been killed recently. Crewmates who get Ghosts can go Guardian Angels, which tin can temporarily protect living players from being killed. Impostors besides can be Shapeshifters, allowing them to temporarily morph into other players.

In each game'south antechamber, various options tin be adjusted to customize aspects of gameplay, such as thespian movement speed, the immune number of emergency meetings, number of tasks, if there volition be "visual tasks",[30] or whether or not an Impostor is revealed later on beingness voted off.[31] There are likewise many cosmetic options, including spacesuit colors, skins, hats, and pets,[32] [33] some of which are paid downloadable content.[e] [5] [7] [23]

Development and release

Early development

Among United states release timeline for various platforms
2018 iOS/Android
2019 "MIRA HQ"
2020 Nintendo Switch
2021 "The Balloon"
PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Serial X/Due south
TBA Among The states VR

Among Us was inspired past the alive party game Mafia,[5] [35] and the science fiction horror film The Thing.[36] The idea for the concept was originally given by Marcus Bromander, co-founder of Innersloth, who had played Mafia since he was a kid. In the original game, function cards were dealt and players wandered around a firm, aimlessly, while another person secretly killed the players, drawing a finger around their cervix. Most of its mechanics were still present in Among Us, but the team wanted to "convalesce the need to create an interesting home model and take someone wandering effectually in a boring environs". Then, they decided that the game would be infinite themed and also added tasks, which, according to Forest Willard, programmer at Innersloth, "inverse several times during development".[36] [37]

Development began in November 2017.[37] The game was initially intended to be a mobile-simply local multiplayer game with a unmarried map.[38] Bromander paused development on Innersloth's other game, The Henry Stickmin Drove, in order to build Among United states' beginning map, The Skeld.[39] When they began developing the first map, they intended that the ship was always in crisis and that the Impostors could exercise tasks. However, they found this setup "stressful" and decided that it "[wouldn't leave] much time for detective piece of work and informed meeting conversations".[36] [37] Willard described playtesting equally painful and frustrating, every bit the game would intermission downward during sessions forcing him to send playtesters new builds off of Google Play. The squad tested the game with 8 of their friends and never tested the game with nine or the maximum of x players.[39] The game was adult using the Unity engine.[40]

The game was released in June 2018 to Android and iOS under the AppID of "spacemafia".[5] [41] Before long after release, Among Us had an boilerplate histrion count of xxx to l concurrent players.[xxx] Bromander blamed the game's poor release on Innersloth existence "actually bad at marketing".[38] The team nearly abandoned the project multiple times, but continued work on information technology due to a "pocket-size but vocal player base",[42] adding in online multiplayer, new tasks, and customization options.[42] The game was released on Steam on November xvi, 2018.[38] [43] Cross-platform play was supported upon release of the Steam version.[44] [45] Originally, the game had no sound to avoid revealing subconscious data in a local setting,[f] and Willard mixed sounds from numerous sound packs to compose the SFX during the game's Steam release.[39]

On August viii, 2019, Innersloth released a second map, MIRA HQ,[46] [47] a "tightly packed headquarters roughly the size of The Skeld." A 3rd map, Polus, was added on Nov 12, 2019, and is set in a enquiry station.[46] [48] The fourth map, the Airship, was released on March 31, 2021, and is based on a location in the Henry Stickmin universe.[14] [15] MIRA HQ and Polus originally cost players United states$4 via in-app purchase. Their prices were reduced to Us$2 on Jan 6, 2020, then made free on June 11, 2020.[49] While the map packs are nonetheless available for purchase on all platforms, they now only provide the actor the skins that were arranged with the maps.[50] According to programmer Forest Willard, the team "stuck with [the game] a lot longer than we probably should accept from a pure business standpoint", putting out regular updates to the game as often as once per calendar week. This led to a steady increase in players, causing the game's actor base to snowball. Bromander attributed this to the studio having enough savings to keep working on the game even while information technology was not selling particularly well.[38]

Canceled sequel and ongoing updates

In August 2020, the team shifted focus onto a sequel, Among Usa 2.[6] [7] [8] [9] During this fourth dimension, Woods Willard and Amy Liu connected to update Amid U.s.a., increasing the maximum player base, adding four servers and iii regions,[51] and implementing longer multiplayer codes to support more concurrent games.[52] On September 23, 2020, the team canceled the sequel, instead opting to add all content intended for the sequel to the original Among Us, due to "how many people [were] enjoying [the original game]".[53] [54] [55] However, Innersloth accounted the game's codebase "outdated and not built to back up adding so much new content", and then the team made plans to rework the game's cadre code to enable adding new features.[55] The team afterwards appear their plans to fix the game's server issues and widespread cheating problem,[56] [57] [58] too as add a system for banning confusing players.[59] In Oct 2020, colorblind support for the "wires" task was added to the Amidst Us beta on Steam, as well as some previously unannounced lobby customization options.[threescore] [61] Every bit-of-yet unimplemented features include a 5th map, the Sheriff role, and new game modes.[53] [54] [59] [62] [63]

In mid-Feb 2021, the game added a feature called Quickchat, which replaces the standard chat interface with a series of preset phrases that players must option from. Players under the age of thirteen are required to utilise Quickchat, merely those over thirteen are likewise allowed to apply Free Chat, which allows them to type original letters.[64] [65] Commencement appear at The Game Awards 2020, the Airship map was released on March 31, 2021.[14] [15] The Balloon features multiple floors, contraptions, tasks, and "more".[66] [67] In improver, Game Awards presenter Geoff Keighley's face was added as a skin. The map itself is based upon the Henry Stickmin serial's Toppat Clan Airship.[68] Innersloth too stated that the map would be gratuitous to all players.[69] [15] It also features a pare bundle that includes Henry Stickmin-themed corrective that tin be bought on Steam.[xv]

The accounts system was implemented along with the update, and information technology allows players to report players that are not following Innersloth's Lawmaking of Conduct in social club to brand the game a welcoming and respectful place. Punishment ranges from temporary to permanent bans. They also stated that reports would be viewed manually and non past bots, that account creations would be required if players want to use Costless Chat or to customize their nicknames, and that people under the age of 13 would need their parents' permission to create an account. Implementing an account system too allowed Innersloth to add together account linking and a friending system in future updates.[70] [71] Innersloth afterward revealed on the game's official Twitter account a new colour to the game, Rose, which was included in the game's adjacent update along with five other colors: Coral, Tan, Gray, Maroon, and Assistant, which were revealed during Summertime Game Fest on June x, 2021, alongside other upcoming content, including a fifth map, new Hibernate & Seek game mode, and new roles such as Sheriff and Scientist.[62] [63] The new colors, along with 15 actor antechamber support, new coming together screen and revamp at the game's pattern, was released on June 15, 2021, during the game'due south 3rd anniversary.[xi]

On July 7, 2021, Innersloth released a minor update that adds a new task, "Clean Vent", which involves the Crewmate cleaning a specific vent, preventing Impostors (and every bit of the November 9 update, Engineers) from using information technology, as well as some icon changes.[72] On Nov nine, 2021, a major update was released that introduced four new roles (Shapeshifter, Engineer, Scientist, and Guardian Angel), achievements, a level system, controller support, custom keybinds, visor cosmetics, cosmetic bundles called "Cosmicubes", diverse in-game currencies, and a major revamp to the in-game store.[73] On March 31, 2022, a friending system was added, which allows players to see who they recently played with, transport and receive friend requests, send and receive lobby invites, as well equally the power to cake people.[74]

During The Game Awards 2021, Among Us VR was announced for SteamVR, PlayStation VR, and the Meta Quest two, adult by Schell Games.[75] During the Meta Quest Showcase on April 20, 2022, an estimate release appointment was officially announced, with the game coming out effectually the holidays of 2022.[76]

Console releases

Amongst its popularity, Innersloth considered releasing the game to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles, just encountered a problem in implementing player communication, since standard text-based or voice-based chat seemed unusable. They considered a system similar to the "quick comms" system from Rocket League, as well every bit the possibility of developing an entirely new communication system for the game.[27] [28] Versions of the game for Xbox consoles were later announced.[77]

Among Us was released for the Nintendo Switch on Dec 15, 2020, the same solar day information technology was appear during Nintendo Direct Indie World showcase. The Switch version supports cantankerous-platform play with the mobile and Windows versions.[78] This port was published past Play EveryWare.[79] Upon release, the Switch version had an exploit to access The Airship prior to its official release in early on 2021.[eighty] The exploit was fixed two days after release in the Switch version's first update.[81] [82]

Amid Usa was released digitally for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Serial X/Southward consoles on Dec fourteen, 2021, along with its release on the Xbox Game Pass for panel. These versions will support cantankerous-platform play with existing Windows, Switch, and mobile versions. Unique to the PlayStation ports are special customization options based on Ratchet & Clank. Physical releases for consoles will exist bachelor in Europe the same solar day, while N American concrete releases volition be available in Jan 2022.[83]

October 2020 and January 2021 hacks

In mid-October 2020, a hacker known as "Eris Loris" began targeting mainly Northward American servers. Several players on the Amongst Usa subreddit and Twitter reported this player hacking their lobbies and spamming in-game conversation with promotions for his YouTube channel, links to his Discord server, and controversial political messages.[84] Eris Loris also threatened to personally hack players that refused to subscribe to his YouTube aqueduct. The Discord server has been found to contain big amounts of offensive content, such as racist language, gore, pornography and images depicting animal abuse.[85]

A Eurogamer report from October 23, 2020, features an interview with a person claiming to be Eris Loris, conducted via the Discord server from one of the links provided in the hacked games. In the interview, Loris claims he created the bot responsible for the hacks "in only vi hours", and had enlisted up to 50 volunteers to form a botnet which boosted the forcefulness of their attacks. Loris claimed that the hack impacted iv.9 one thousand thousand players in 1.5 million games. He besides added that the hacks were part of a publicity stunt to influence players to vote for Donald Trump in the 2020 U.s.a. presidential election.[85]

Innersloth added an in-game bulletin alert players near the hacks on October 22,[85] and released a statement on Twitter the side by side day. They said they were "super enlightened" of the hacking issue, and stated that an "emergency server update" would be pushed out to gainsay the hacks. They encouraged players to stick to private games and to avoid playing on public ones until the update was released.[86] The team plans to accost the hacking vulnerabilities as part of a planned overhaul for the game.[56] [57] [58] At the stop of Jan 2021, players reported on Twitter the return of Eris Loris' hack attack, which is now distributing Among United states cheats.[87]


2020 fasten

Sodapoppin in a purple Twitch hoodie

While Among Us released in 2018, it was not until mid-2020 that it saw a surge of popularity, initially driven by content creators online in Southward Korea and Brazil. Bromander stated that the game is more popular in Mexico, Brazil, and Due south Korea than the The states.[38] [five] According to Willard, Twitch streamer Sodapoppin first popularized the game on Twitch in July 2020.[38] Many other Twitch streamers and YouTubers followed conform, including prominent content creators xQc, Pokimane, Shroud, Ninja, Disguised Toast and PewDiePie.[54] [88] [35] [89]

The COVID-19 pandemic was frequently cited as a reason for the popularity of Among Usa, as it allowed for socializing despite social distancing.[38] [ninety] [91] [92] [93] Emma Kent of Eurogamer believed that the release of Innersloth's The Henry Stickmin Drove also contributed to awareness of Among Us,[54] and PC Gamer's Wes Fenlon credited Twitch streamer SR_Kaif for "prim[ing] Amid Us for its big moment." Fenlon too praised Among Us for improvements over other popular tabletop games that had been inspired past Mafia, such as Undercover Hitler. He said other video game adaptations of Mafia such as Boondocks of Salem and Werewolves Within were "simply add[ing] an online interface for the basic Werewolf rules," whereas Among United states is as an entirely new take on the concept.[35] Forth with Fall Guys and the Jackbox Party Packs, Among Us provided a narrative-less experience that helped to avoid the "cultural trauma" of the pandemic, according to M.J. Lewis of Wired.[94]

Memes and mods

The game'due south popularity connected into the post-obit months. YouTube reported that videos about Among Us were viewed 4 billion times in September 2020,[95] and TikTok videos related to Amid Us had over xiii billion views in October 2020.[96] YouTuber CG5 wrote a song based on the game in September 2020, titled "Show Yourself", and gained over lx million views in 4 months.[97] [yard] In September 2020, the game exceeded 100 meg downloads[35] and its role player count rose to 1.v million concurrent players[4] [98] (nearly 400 thousand of which were on Steam),[46] then peaked at 3.8 million in late September.[99] The sudden increase in players overloaded the game'southward server, which according to Willard was "a totally free Amazon server, and it was terrible." This forced him to work speedily, under crunch time, to resolve these issues.[42]

In August 2020, Innersloth opened an online store for Among Usa themed merchandise.[7] [30] The game's popularity inspired many original songs, fan art and internet memes,[20] [25] [42] Willard expressed that fan-created content "really is the all-time part" of making Among Us, and Bromander called information technology "my favorite thing to meet".[42] The game popularized the slang word "sus" (pregnant "suspicious" or "suspect"),[100] [101] [102] which had been used before the game's release.[103] Other slang terms besides as internet memes popularized and inspired by Among The states include 'Sussy' and 'Sussy Baka' (derived from "sus"),[104] [105] 'When the Imposter is Sus' (an ironic meme based on Amid Us, ordinarily alongside an edited photograph of Jerma985),[106] [ user-generated source ] and 'Amogus' (satiric misspelling of "Among Us").[107] [108]

During its time of widespread popularity, Among Us was controversially played past the U.Due south. Navy Esports squad, in which players on the stream used in-game names referencing the N-word and the bombing of Nagasaki. The stream was deemed "offensive" and "intolerable" by some viewers.[109] In October 2020, U.S. Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar streamed the game alongside several other prominent streamers such every bit Pokimane and Hasan Piker as a way to encourage people to vote in the 2020 United States presidential ballot, drawing almost 700,000 concurrent viewers on Twitch.[110] [111] [112]

The game also received several mods made by the customs, which added new roles, game modes, cosmetics, etc.[113] Among Us was likewise featured in Twitch Rivals 2020, an online gaming tournament which was held on December 4, 2020.[114] During the event, players were able to receive an exclusive pet called "Glitch Pet", which is the Twitch logo.[115]


On December 28, 2021, H2 Interactive, who publishes Amongst U.s. in Japan, announced that a one-shot manga based on the game will exist published in Bessatsu CoroCoro's April outcome on February 28, 2022.[116] [117] On January 13, Innersloth began promoting the manga on their official Twitter business relationship.[118]


Among Us was well received past critics. On the aggregator website Metacritic, the PC port received a 85 of 100 score based on nine critic reviews, while the Nintendo Switch version received a 79 of 100 score based on 9 critic reviews, both them indicating "mostly favorable reviews".[119] [120] It was also considered 1 of the "Best PC Games for 2018", being ranked 17th, and as the "#38 All-time Discussed PC Game of 2018".[128] [129] Since December 2020, IGN considered it one of 2020's all-time reviewed games and so far.[130]

Elliott Osange of Bonus Phase considered that the game is "silly fun", only felt that is more fun "to be an Impostor".[131] Craig Pearson of Rock, Newspaper, Shotgun had the same stance, found playing as an Impostor "a lot more than fun" than playing equally a Crewmate, which he called "exhausting".[19] In reference to the game's popularity among streamers, Evelyn Lau of The National said: "Watching the reactions of people trying to guess who the impostor is (and sometimes getting it very incorrect) or lying terribly about not being the impostor is all quite entertaining."[18] Alice O'Conner of Stone, Paper, Shotgun described the game as "Mafia or Werewolf but with minigames".[132] Andrew Penney of TheGamer said the game was "worth it for the toll" and that "who you play with dictates how fun the game is."[23] L'avis de Tiraxa of praised the game'southward Freeplay manner, which offers newer players "to scan the map lone to arrange the places", equally they would need to play several games in order to "perfect their strategies".[123]

Leana Hafer from IGN stated in her verdict on the game: "I don't accept any sus that this volition exist the last game of its breed to brand a splash, since nosotros're already seeing its influence on even mega-games similar Fortnite". As a negative point, she pointed out some technical problems, such as the difficulty of finding rooms that aren't already full or are a long manner from getting in that location. She likewise lamented the lack of "mechanic to punish players who rage-quit when they don't get to play as impostor, or are caught dead to rights in the middle of a murder".[124] Tiraxa of was more critical of the game, lamenting the lack of an inbuilt voice chat, server bugs which "[forbid] some from joining the party, in a totally unexplained style", public servers with strangers, which she considered "less entertaining" than private servers with friends, and the big development progress, stating that the game has a "flake of a way to go before it reaches its full potential".[123] The mobile version of the game, although being free-to-play, was criticized. Osange of Bonus Phase called the presence of ads and in-app purchases of corrective changes that are mostly available for free on the PC version "nonsense". He also chosen the PC version "stable" only also stated that the Android version is "a device-by-device state of affairs".[131]

The Nintendo Switch version received some criticism. William Antonelli of Insider said that the Switch controls requite "many tasks a satisfying game response". Notwithstanding, he likewise stated that most of the tasks could be "done quickly with the Switch'south touchscreen control", which can only be used when the console is in handheld mode. He noted that many of the game's tasks are hard to complete using a gamepad, which is required when the console is connected to a larger screen, and considered this version "inferior" to the PC and mobile versions.[133] He too stated that the communication system is "frustrating", as using the joystick to select letters is "wearisome", and said the fact that the game has support for multiplayer across multiple platforms gives Switch players "immediate disadvantage".[133] PJ O'Reilly of Nintendo Life noted that the Switch lacked much of the additional content bachelor on other platforms, such as skins, which he called a "shame".[125]

Among Us has been oftentimes compared to Fall Guys, equally both became popular every bit party games during the COVID-19 pandemic;[38] [29] [134] the developers of both games accept positively acknowledged each other on Twitter.[135] [136] Comparisons take also been drawn between the two games' avatars, which have been said to await like jelly beans.[137] [138] Amidst United states has besides been compared to The Thing,[25] [139] Town of Salem,[35] [139] Werewolves Within,[35] and Secret Hitler.[35]


Equally of September 2020[update], Steam Spy estimated that the game had more than 10 one thousand thousand owners on Steam.[140] The Associated Press noted the game was the most downloaded app on the iOS App Store for both iPhones and iPads in October 2020.[141] Co-ordinate to SuperData Inquiry, the game had roughly 500 million players worldwide as of November 2020[update], with the gratuitous-to-play mobile version accounting for 97% of players and the purchase-to-play PC version accounting for 3% of players, though it was the buy-to-play PC version that generated 64% of the game's gross acquirement.[142] Amidst U.s. became one of the all-time selling games of 2020 on Steam, being listed on the platinum category on "The Twelvemonth's Summit 100" listing.[143] [144] The Nintendo Switch version's launch sold three.2 million digital units in Dec 2020, making it the highest-earning version of the game for the month and one of the best-selling games on the Nintendo Switch.[145] [146]

Among U.s. was offered as a complimentary game on the Epic Games Store during one week in May 2021. Its average daily player count jumped from around 350,000 players in the weeks earlier to over 2 million players during the giveaway.[147] On June 29, 2021, Innersloth reported on Twitter that during the game's costless promotion on Epic Games Store, at least 15 1000000 copies were claimed.[148]



Among U.s.a. has done collaborations and cross-overs with other games and studios. The first game they collaborated with was Fall Guys, who added Among The states-themed skins to their game.[162] Characters from Among U.s.a. have fabricated cameos in the indie games Astroneer,[163] Sunshine Heavy Industries,[164] Cosmonious High,[165] and Samurai Gunn 2,[166] and Among U.s. is referenced in several stickers in the game A Chapeau in Time.[167] Several Amidst Us-themed cards are included in The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls Requiem.[168]

Themed skins and cosmetics from other games and properties have been added to Among Us also: Innersloth and Riot Games crossed-over to bring Arcane themed cosmetics to Amongst United states.[169] In addition to that Innersloth has likewise washed crossovers with Halo,[170] Ratchet & Clank,[171] and the movie franchise Scream.[172]

Outside of the game itself Innersloth has collaborated with BT21,[173] and Amid Us-themed posters were used to advertise the movie Free Guy.[174] The "ejected" animation was referenced in the season 2 trailer for the animated series Snoopy in Space,[175] and the Emergency Meeting screen was used in In Space with Markiplier.[176] Among Us was also featured as a question on Jeopardy! [177]

Epic Games featured a customs-created game mode in Fortnite Artistic in December 2020 chosen "The Spy Within", which had very like mechanics to Amidst U.s., in which amongst ten players, the others take to consummate tasks to earn enough coins within a limited time while trying to deduce which 2 players are trying to sabotage that endeavour.[178] Epic later added another (official and internally-adult) express mode to Fortnite called "Impostors" in August 2021, which was recognized as fifty-fifty a closer take on Among Us, as the aforementioned basic mechanics as "The Spy Inside" were used, merely now taking identify inside an undercover bunker with a layout similar to the Among Usa map. Innersloth responded in frustration to this manner, which gave no credit to Innersloth. Innersloth'due south co-founder Marcus Bromander stated "Is it really that hard to put 10% more effort into putting your own spin on it though?", while studio representative Callum Underwood said that Innersloth was open up to collaborations, "Simply ask and if you follow some bones rules it's normally fine".[179] In an October 2021 blog posting, Ballsy Games did credit Innersloth and Among Us as inspirations for the "Impostors" mode.[180]

See also

  • Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the video game industry


  1. ^ a b Better known as "PuffballsUnited".[iv]
  2. ^ Better known as "ForteBass".[5]
  3. ^ When discussing its planned sequel, the game was given the retronym of Among Us 1 by the game's developers as well as several news outlets.[half-dozen] [vii] [8] [9]
  4. ^ The game uses the spelling "Impostor" rather than "Imposter" (though both are correct).[10]
  5. ^ Both the complimentary mobile version of Amidst United states and the paid PC version have paid DLC. For the PC version, even so, some of the mobile version's DLC is included in the standalone game.[34] [five]
  6. ^ For example, the audio of an Impostor killing a Crewmate could reveal to other Crewmates who the Impostor was.
  7. ^ The song'due south popularity led to ii sequels, Lyin' To Me and Good To Be Alive, released in November 2020 and February 2021, respectively.


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  • Official website Edit this at Wikidata


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