
Is It True That if a Bear Kills Once He Is More Lightly to Kill Like This Again

grizzly bear family

" The best thing people can do for bears is supplant misconceptions with facts." – Dr. Lynn Rogers

Bears accept fascinated humans for millennia. As ane of the virtually adaptable and versatile mammals on globe, their behaviour stirs fear, awe, wonder, and curiosity in usa. Unfortunately, there are still many myths surrounding the lives and behaviour of bears that negatively touch our relationships with them.

Stories of ferocious attacks by blood-thirsty bears on defenceless hikers make nifty atomic number 82 stories in the media. The overwhelming sense conveyed in these stories is that bears are dangerous, hateful creatures that are an extreme threat to people in whatsoever circumstance. This, of course, is inaccurate at best and unhelpful at worst.

Another ordinarily held myth is that bears are cuddly creatures that resemble the teddy bears we owned as kids. While there is no dubiety that bears accept the power to trigger children'south imaginations, information technology is important that the stories we share with our children be based on facts rather than fantasy.

It is important to dispel both myths – the 1 based on fear, and the other based on a misplaced conventionalities that bears are tame cuddly animals.

Bears are intelligent and resourceful wild mammals that deserve our respect. A greater knowledge of the behaviour, environmental and habitat needs of bears is crucial if we are to learn to co-be peacefully with these magnificent creatures.

bears are not unpredictable

Myth #i: Bears are unpredictable

Fact: Bears use torso linguistic communication and vocalizations to show their intentions. Learning nigh bear behaviour can exist benign to people who live or recreate in bear country.

Myth #ii: Bears can't run down hill

Fact: Bears can run more than than 60 kilometers an hour, and they can practise information technology upward hills, down hills or forth a slope. To put that in perspective, that's 15 m/sec or fifty ft/sec – more than twice every bit fast as we can run. In fact, a bear can outrun a racehorse over short distances but has trivial endurance.

Myth #3: A bear continuing on its hind legs is about to accuse

Fact: Really, a bear standing on its hind legs is but trying to better identify what has defenseless its attention. Equally I'm certain you lot'll agree, it'due south much easier to run into, hear and odour things from a standing position, than down on all fours.

Myth #iv: Once a bear has tasted homo food, he won't eat wild food whatever more than

Fact: Bears prefer natural, wild food unless it is difficult to find and human food is too piece of cake to become. Even bears that regularly eat man nutrient/waste product

withal eat natural foods whenever they're plentiful. Conflicts usually increase when natural foods run out – a good fourth dimension to be more vigilant of acquit attractants on your property; such as bird feed, pet food, fruit trees/berry bushes, barbecue grease and compost. Click here to learn more near how to get Bear Smart.

Myth #v: Deport bells are the best mode to avoid a surprise run across

Fact: It'south best to alarm bears of your presence past talking loudly, singing songs or breaking sticks. Try to hike in a group, on established trails, during daylight hours. See our Play department for more information.

black bears climb trees

Myth #6: If a bear charges you, climb a tree.

Fact: Despite all their timidness on the ground, blackness bears seem to feel more courageous in copse. Bears sometimes kill each other by throwing their opponents out of trees. The bear below has the advantage because the bear higher up cannot easily hang on and face downwards to fight back. Also the lower bear seems confident of these advantages and some bears have even come up trees afterward people who thought climbing was prudent. Grizzlies, also, can climb – perchance non as quickly, but they take been known to assail people who climbed copse to escape. See our Play department for more information.

Myth #7: Bears are carnivores.

Fact: Although classified in the order carnivora, grizzly and blackness bears are omnivores considering they eat both plants and animals. Simply a small percentage of their diet consist of meat, which includes fish, insects and other mammals (the exact percentage is dependant on the type of nutrient is available in their habitat).

Myth #8: Bears take poor eyesight

Fact: Bears see in colour and have good vision similar to humans. Their night vision is first-class and they are especially attuned to detecting move. Like many animals, bears' eyes have a reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum lining the back of the eyeball. This layer reflects light back through the retina, assuasive light to stimulate light-sensitive cells in the retina a second time, thereby improving dark vision. This is what gives dogs, cats and many nocturnal animals that distinct, vivid green eyeshine when they are flashed with a light at nighttime.

Myth #ix: Bears that wander into inhabited areas such every bit campsites, rural towns or cottage communities are dangerous

Fact: It is well-nigh impossible for a behave to make its daily excursions without walking through someone'southward private holding. Bears may travel hundreds of kilometres in their search for nutrient. If you take stored your food and garbage properly, the bear will likely move on. Recall, problem bears aren't built-in, they're created through mismanagement of human food and garbage. If bears are hanging around, something is alluring them. Removing the attraction volition usually solve the problem.

trapping bears in conflict with people/humans

Myth #ten: Shooting or relocating a 'nuisance' bear will solve the problem

Fact: Removing the bear and not the attractant will but create an opportunity for another acquit to motility in, creating a savage bike of disharmonize and killing.

Myth #11: Carrying a rifle is safer than bear spray

Fact: A person's take a chance of incurring serious injury from a charging grizzly doubles when bullets are fired versus when bear spray is used (Dr. Stephen Herrero). Those injured defending themselves with conduct spray experienced shorter attacks and less astringent injuries than those who chose to use firearms (US Fish and Wild fauna Service). Click here to read the total study. Bears are actually attracted to bear spray residue if information technology is sprayed on the ground or on objects. Never spray it around a tent or on yourself. When used defensively, bear spray must exist sprayed directly in the attacking bear's optics or olfactory organ. Click here for more information.

Myth #12: One of the most dangerous encounters is getting between a mother blackness bear and her cubs

Fact: Because black bears can tree their cubs, it is rare for them to assail a person in defense of cubs. However, if y'all are anywhere near a mother grizzly's cubs, she might very well perceive you lot as a threat. The chances are good that she will just bluff charge and stop well short of physical contact. Yous demand to do whatever yous can to show her that you are not a threat, otherwise the consequences could be tragic. Exist quiet, make yourself smaller and retreat.

Myth #thirteen: People traveling in bear country are ofttimes attacked

Fact: Bear attacks are extremely rare. Although at that place are thousands of human being-bear encounters every year, merely a very few outcome in personal injury. Most bears will really retreat before yous are even aware of their presence. It is even so important, however, to stay alert and know what to do.

Myth #14: Information technology is dangerous to become into bear country when menstruating

Fact: Current prove suggests that menstruation does not increase the likelihood of an attack by a black or grizzly acquit, just tampons are recommended over pads. They may be tending of by burning and then packing out the remains.

play dead in a grizzly encounter

Myth #xv: Play dead during an assail.

Fact: Playing expressionless will work if yous're being attacked by a mother grizzly defending her cubs. Simply it is the wrong affair to do if you're being attacked by a predatory bear. If a bear attacks (particularly a black bear) in an offensive manner and concrete contact is made, fight for your life. Kick, punch, hit the bear with rocks or sticks or any improvised weapon you can observe. A predatory bear normally stalks its casualty and attacks from behind. It is often silent and the carry does non showroom any defensive behaviors similar huffing or slapping the ground. Its ears may be laid back and its head held depression, with its intent focused directly on you. See our Play section for more information.


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